1922 riders can do it
You stand on the coping on your rear wheel using brakes and jump to fakie.
How do it
Abubaca is a classic park trick for riders with the luxury of brakes. You stand on the coping on your rear wheel and jump to fakie.
Find a low, safe quarter.
Try riding onto the table in a straight line and landing on your rear wheel while braking.
Begin lowering your speed and attempting to stand on the coping. As soon as you manage to go into abubaca stance, you'll most likely struggle with your front wheel going down. Try this exercise to remedy the situation.
Ride up at a low speed and jump into abubaca, but not on the coping — on the quarter itself. This should make it obvious that you should be jumping into the stance, not riding into it. Only when the center of gravity is over the front wheel and the bike itself is pushed forward can you hold the stance and successfully jump into a fakie. Btw, this exercise also helps do away with any fear of catching the coping with your front wheel during exit, since in this position there's no coping to catch =)
Now you can try accelerating a bit more and jumping directly onto the coping. Bring the front wheel up straight away and don't be afraid to lean back for your exit to a fakie.